When was the last time you gave someone your Hard disk, Pen drive, or SD Card? Similarly, after deleting your private information or data, considering now it is safe to handover it to someone? Is it really safe?
The simple answer is No! Deleting your data from your device doesn’t mean your data is safe.
Your data can be recovered within a blink of an eye from your formatted or deleted devices (Hard disk, Pen drive, or SD Card).
How this can cause you trouble?
For Instance, Let me give you an one of my example.
One of my neighbor’s son had found a lost SD Card. He brought it to me asking if it was mine. But, it wasn’t mine but he insisted me to check it on my laptop and I Inserted it on my laptop and it was blank.
Then I got a thought to dive into deep, I inserted it again and started recovery process.
There was all data that would’ve deleted earlier by whoever it belongs to. There were screenshots of his/her password, bank detail’s screenshots, etc.. So this is why I want you all to be aware of what & how things can happen and be careful before throwing out your old devices which had private information earlier.
This was in good hands but it won’t happen always so be careful, After that, I deleted all data permanently and gave it to that boy to throw it away or whatever he wants to do.
You may think your hard disk, pen drive, or SD card which isn’t used for years might have nothing. But it can still have data you can’t even imagine from years.
You can also learn and read more about data recovery on Wikipedia
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