Most of you might have heard about the Bhangarh Fort as the most haunted place in India.
Is it really true? I did a lot of researches. But still, that same question was haunting me and making me curious enough to go there and visit.

After visiting the most famous Bhangarh Fort, at local we’ve asked about the story of a haunted place. They said, this wasn’t famous like this from the decades but a few years ago, someone wrote an article about it and then people started visiting.
Myths and reality behind this about Bhangarh Fort:

Myth: No one can go inside before sunrise and after sunset, and most importantly whoever goes inside during the prohibited time never comes back.
Reality: The fort comes under the Archeological Survey of India (ASI). ASI manages all old historical forts and places. They have allocated heritage sites into different categories. The time, visiting fees and other rules are applied to the categories. So, if a site comes under ‘A’, rule for category A will be applied.
On the ASI website, it is clearly mentioned monuments that come under this category will remain open only from sunrise to sunset. Thus, Bhangarh Fort being in other categories.

Another thing, there is no major incident of people missing out. If you research enough on the Internet you’ll find a lot of people have been there even on the night and stayed without any problems.
There might be a one or few cases of unusual activities, unusual sounds or someone missing on night.
That’s possible because nearby in a range of around 30km. There is Sariska Tiger Reserve national park, due to which sometimes wild animals might arrive around the Fort in night and to humans eyes this could lead to an unusual paranormal activity.